Konferenzen und Workshops

Teilnahme an wissenschaftlichen Konferenzen und Workshops


  • Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, San Diego, USA. Computer Aided Distance Reconstruction in Single Molecule FRET Experiments through Combination with Dye Dynamics from Molecular Dynamics Simulations (Poster).

  • Computer Simulation and Theory of Macromolecules, Hünfeld, Deutschland. Distance Reconstruction in smFRET Experiments through Combination with Dye Dynamics from MD Simulations (Poster).

  • Annual Meeting of the German Biophysical Society, Göttingen, Deutschland,Distance Reconstruction in smFRET Experiments through Combination with Dye Dynamics from MD Simulations (Poster).


  • Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, Baltimore, USA. Structural Heterogeneity and Quantitative Single Molecule FRET Efficiency Distributions of Polyproline through a Hybrid Atomistic Simulation and Monte Carlo
  • Computer Simulation and Theory of Macromolecules, Hünfeld, Deutschland. FRET through Atomistic Simulation and Monte Carlo (Vortrag).


  • Computer Simulation and Theory of Macromolecules, Hünfeld, Deutschland. Improving the Accuracy of the Coulombic Coupling Treatment in FRET Systems (Poster).


  • PROSURF Workshop: Protein Surface Interactions, Sestri Levante, Italien. Adsorption of Biomolecules on Gold Surfaces: A molecular dynamics study (Vortrag).
  • Computer Simulation and Theory of Macromolecules, Hünfeld, Deutschland. Adsorption of Biomolecules on Gold Surfaces (Vortrag).


  • From Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology, Jülich, Deutschland. Protein Interactions with their Environment (Poster). Complex Nanosystems: Assembly, Control and Functionality, San Servolo, Italien. Protein Interactions with their Environment (Poster).